Reading Challenges

 I’ve been thinking about reading challenges and seen that many bloggers are signing up to lots of interesting-looking challenges. I’m always attracted to them and enjoy thinking about the books I could read to complete the challenges … and then I find they become a chore. I find myself thinking “what have I got to read next for a challenge?”, not looking forward with pleasure at the thought of reading the next book. So this year I’m easing off them.

The challenges I am taking part in this year are:

  • Attacking the TBR Tome Challenge. Last year I listed 14 books as my own To-Be-Read Challenge and only read 1 of them, so for 2010 I’ll be taking part in this challenge – the books are shown on my sidebar, in the hope that this will encourage me to read them soon. The idea is to read at least 20 of your tbr books before buying any new books.
  • The Agatha Christie Reading Challenge – this fits in well with my reading as I love AC’s books.
  • Alphabet in Crime Fiction – this is now up to the letter L (which I haven’t done). The letter M next week.

One thought on “Reading Challenges

  1. There are so many tempting challenges out in the blogosphere, aren’t there? In the past, I’ve signed up for several, enjoying the process of finding the books in my stacks to add to the list, posting the pretty button in my sidebar, feeling fresh and excited about a new year of reading. And then, like you said, it begins to feel like a chore. I’m not reading nearly as much as I used to, so if I’m only going to have a chance to read 3-5 books each month (and one is for my face-to-face book club), I really want to pick up what I’m inspired to read at that time when I finish each book. This will be my second year of just saying no to reading challenges! 🙂


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