Show Me Your Book Stash!

Carolyn of Riedel Fascination has asked people who’re doing one of her challenges to ‘show me your book stash‘, because she wonders what they look like, where they are, and  how tipsy  the piles are? In other words she wants to see photos of your books wherever they are, on shelves, in piles, propping up the piano, whatever, and put them into a blog post.

It should be no surprise to anyone who reads my blog that I am a bookaholic and there are book shelves/cases/piles of books in nearly every room. They keep changing as I move books around from the shelves into piles deciding what to read next. They start off in some sort of order separating fiction from non fiction and in a-z author or subject order – but they get out of control as I take books off the shelves/piles and somehow they don’t get put back in the same place.

Anyway here are some photos of some of my ‘stash’ (click the photos to see them full size):

First some shelves in the hall. The books here are a mixture of books to read and books I have read and include both fiction and non-fiction. The fiction is mostly double shelved.

Bks Hall Dec 2014Next a few of the books on the shelves behind me as I sit at the computer. These are books I have read and am keeping (for now at any rate – they do get ‘weeded’ every now and then). The back wall of this room is lined with books.

Bks Dec 2014 P1010329

An orderly shelf in the kitchen of just a few of my cookery books – the rest are on other bookshelves elsewhere in the house.

Bks Kit Dec 2014 P1010336

But now for the book shelves that are not so tidy! The bookcase in the living room – again a mix of unread and read books with a shelf of old LPs at the bottom. This is a bit of a jumble really, double shelved with books plied on top of other books in heaps!

Bks LR Dec 2014 P1010339Here are a few of my book piles – the pile next to my computer. For ease of taking the photo I’ve put these in one pile – they are actually in two piles, so not quite such a towering pile. This pile shows just how disorganised I am – books I’ve read and not put away, books I’m going to read, library books and a notebook at the bottom of the pile – not the best place for it!

Bk pile Dec 2014  computer

Two little piles on the floor below the desk. Some of these are books I’ve recently acquired, either bought or borrowed from the library. Others are books, like Dominion that I’ve read recently!

Bks floor Dw

And finally books on the floor in our bedroom, another mixed pile. I’ve just finished reading the Bainbridge book this morning and there are two or three other books I’ve read before and have been tempted to re-read. The other books are all books that have been on the floor too long – I have to dust them! They are books I’ve wondered about reading next but have been left for later. I will read them one day …

Bks bedrm Dec 2014These are just some of my bookshelves/piles – yes there are more!!

13 thoughts on “Show Me Your Book Stash!

  1. Wonderful, Margaret! What is it about ogling other people’s book shelves that’s so compulsive? LOL! I especially love that huge bookcase in the hall. Glad I’m not the only one who makes piles of my books. I have some too, usually for challenges, but I didn’t think to photograph those. How nice that we book addicts understand each other.


  2. I couldn’t be more pleased to learn I’m normal! At the very least, normal based on the one room I showed. It didn’t dawn on me how terrible those ones might look, until you and Cath both said “lovely piles”. I thought: “Piles? One photograph shows a proper shelf” but they must sit sideways indeed! My crowd will tell me, if they dare to see more. 😉

    Wonderful job, Margaret and I’m going to go through again and enlarge the photos. I see we’re both going to read that dear Phyllis Dorothy James, just gone November 27 and I for one, want to see your record titles! The same clarification I would make as toCath: this is open to anyone wishing to subscribe to my blog or Goodreads. 🙂


  3. I can certainly relate. My study is overflowing with piles ad two walls of stuffed bookshelves. And beside my recliner in the family room are the piles of books I’ve committed to review. Then there is the bag of books I intend to donate to the library for their book sale. My husband swears the floors are going to collapse one of these days. lol


  4. you are so much more organized than I anticipated, I could move right in, Agatha, and Dexter, and so many more… Great shots, I’m afraid I cannot participate, my room is just too messy.


  5. I am so glad we’re not the only people with books in every room! All our shelves are a bit like your ‘not so tidy’ ones – but worse! We also have books on the floor, on the coffee table and the dining table, under some chairs and (I hardly dare admit this), on the sofa…


  6. This was a lovely post and I loved seeing all your shelves and books! I feel so much better about mine – we do not have enough shelves, and so despite having books double-shelved, there are still some on the floor. Maybe I will screw up my courage and take photos of my shelves too for this. Thanks for sharing, Margaret!

    I do confess that I craned my neck to read what titles I could too, especially the cookery shelf! 🙂


  7. Margaret – Oh, I love the richness of your book stash! How delightful! And it’s good to know there are other people who have stacks of books…


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