Musing Mondays – Reading Time

Musing Mondays (BIG)Today’s MUSING MONDAYS post is about reading time€¦

Do you have a set reading time (before bed, perhaps)? Do you read more at night or during the day? Is there a day of the week, perhaps, that you set aside to catch up on reading?

My main time for reading is first thing in the morning, including reading blogs. I also read at night but not for long as I usually fall asleep very quickly once I’ve started to read.  I now have more time for reading in the mornings than I used to when I went to work full-time and could only snatch half an hour or so. I used to read at lunchtime at work but now I’m at home I don’t. Sometimes, I read for a while in the evening when there’s nothing on TV that I want to watch.

I take a book with me most places, especially when I’m waiting for a doctor’s or dentist’s appointment  so that I have something to occupy my mind. Last week I went with my husband for an eye appointment at the local hospital and we had to wait 2 hours – lovely reading time! (It was a good job I went with him as he was unable to drive home – his eyes were all out of focus due to the drops they put in. Thankfully the doctor said his eyes are OK!)

9 thoughts on “Musing Mondays – Reading Time

  1. Mornings seem to be my blog reading time and evenings are for book reading. It would be more productive if I reversed this, because I always think I’ll stay awake longer than I actually do.


  2. I always have a book with me as well. My family makes fun of my large purses filled with books, but you never know when you might have a chance to read a chapter or two.


  3. I work from home and keep a book on my desk most days… hoping to grab 15 minutes to read (which never happens). I usually try to read for abotu 30 mintues at the end of the work day, just before starting our ‘evening’ activities.

    I have never logged the time I read but I read while my husband watches tv or a movie. I do not read everyday, my schedule just doesn’t allow for it .

    This is an interesting question – thanks for posting it. I look forward to reading other replies.


  4. I also have a morning and evening reading routine. People often ask me if I read more now that I’m retired. My answer is similar to yours. Now that I can read all day if I wish, I don’t always. I also don’t hurry to read on my lunch hour as I used to.


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